Presenting REFRAME Books!

REFRAME is proud to announce the launch of its new publishing imprint REFRAME Books. The imprint will focus on publishing open access Continue ReadingPresenting REFRAME Books!
Research in Media, Arts and Humanities
REFRAME is proud to announce the launch of its new publishing imprint REFRAME Books. The imprint will focus on publishing open access Continue ReadingPresenting REFRAME Books!
Video recordings of the “Opera and the Media of the Future” event now online Pam Cook on Reading Mildred Pierce Continue ReadingUPDATE: Opera and the Media of the Future; Pam Cook at SEQUENCE; Dolores Tierney on BIRDMAN; Psychogeography of Lewes; Re.Framing Activism
Mini Web Operas launched online and at Glyndebourne by the Opera and the Media of the Future project Re. Framing Continue ReadingNovember Round Up: Web Operas, Media Activism, Psychogeography, Cinematic Melancholia and Optimism!
REFRAME is excited to announce the launch of possibly its most international project to date, one with exciting connections to several highly Continue ReadingNEW website project: THE AUDIOVISUAL ESSAY – PRACTICE & THEORY
Launch of the OPERA AND THE MEDIA OF THE FUTURE website at REFRAME The latest REFRAME Conversations project: TESTAMENT OF COCTEAU – Orphée on film and in opera. Continue ReadingLatest news from REFRAME: Opera and the Media of the Future; Testament of Cocteau; MEDIÁTICO Video blog and more!
FOUR great news items here at REFRAME today: New articles published at SEQUENCE One: Planet Melancholia New Eduardo Coutinho video Continue ReadingEnd of July updates! SEQUENCE 1.3 & 1.4, new Mediático video essay, web opera winners and SusNet on Queer Feminist Media Praxis
REFRAME is delighted to announce the launch of SusNet, a new website published at its platform for the EPSRC CCN+ Continue ReadingAnnouncing SusNet – Sustaining Networked Knowledge: Expertise, Feminist Media Production, Art and Activism