We are excited to present a round-up of the various REFRAME updates and content posted our platforms over the last few months. A host of newly publicised events, published open access scholarly posts, and multimedia projects are available to read and explore now.
NEW EVENT: 10 Years of REFRAME – Pasts, presents and futures in alternative OA publishing

When: Thursday 19th May 2-7pm
Where: Jubilee Building, University of Sussex, UK and online (Zoom)
Keynote: Professor Catherine Grant, ‘REFRAME Ten Years On: Open Access Media Studies Publishing as Material Thinking’
This half-day symposium celebrates the 10th anniversary of the launch of REFRAME, MAH’s open access, multimedia digital publishing platform. Since 2012 REFRAME has created, supported and published over 20 projects relevant to Media, Arts and Humanities, including ebooks, audio-visual websites, research-active blogs, and community-led projects. This event will explore REFRAME in the context of today’s academic open access landscape. We will hear from past and present project editors, discuss the role of multimedia formats in OA publishing, consider OA media studies publishing as material thinking, and join in an exciting series of round table discussions.
Read the programme outline and register for free here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pasts-presents-futures-in-alternative-oa-publishing-10-years-of-reframe-registration-313684347327
Editor: Victoria Walden
a) Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 on Social Media: In the site’s first post of 2022, Victoria Walden offers some very early findings regarding popular social media content this Holocaust Memorial Day.
b) Digital Tools for Understanding the Holocaust: Visualisations in the EHRI Document Blog: Barnabas Balint reflects on the relationship between the digital and the material archive in his attempts to help others engage with sources related to his research.
c) Why (not) so serious? Anne Frank memes and digital Holocaust memory: Juan Manuel González Aguilar and Mykola Makhortykh offer an analysis of the different types of Anne Frank memes circulating online. Please be advised that this blog includes images that are offensive. They are included here for their importance in increasing public understanding of online Holocaust denial, distortion and trivalisation.
Editors: Dolores Tierney, Catherine Grant

a) Diego Luna’s new Netflix series challenges Mexican stereotypes and presents a radical take on Mexican masculinity: Regular contributor Deborah Shaw’s take on Diego Luna’s new Netflix series Todo Va a Estar Bien.
b) How to Film the Histories of the New World: Re-Envisioning the Past and the Future in Latin American Contemporary Cinema: Mediático presents an essay on ten Latin American films which reimagine the region’s past by Natalia Christofoletti Barrenha a film researcher and programmer in Latin American cinema.
c) Against Amnesia – Review of Once I Was You: A Memoir of Love and Hate in a Torn America, by María Hinojosa (New York: Atria Books, 2020). A review of Emmy-award winning journalist María Hinojosa‘s recent memoir Once I Was You (2020) from one of its distinguished contributing editors, Professor Catherine L. Benamou who teaches Film and Media Studies, Visual Studies, and Chicano-Latino Studies at the University of California-Irvine and is the author of It’s All True: Orson Welles’s Pan-American Odyssey (University of California Press, 2007).