REFRAME is an open access academic digital platform for the online practice, publication and curation of internationally produced research and scholarship. Its subject specialisms—media, film and music— are also those of its publisher, the School of Media, Film and Music (MFM) at the University of Sussex, UK. REFRAME is managed by an editorial board composed of MFM faculty, graduate researchers, and other University of Sussex associates, and it is supported by an international advisory board.
REFRAME aims to offer a range of scholarly and related creative and critical content – from relatively ephemeral or responsive forms of research output (project blogs, online film and video festivals, conferences and symposia, and audio and video podcasts) through to fully peer-reviewed online serials and monographic publications, and digital archives and assemblages.
REFRAME channels its content through a dynamic portal website that links to and publicises its multiple components. It is also active across a range of social media. Its open access ethos is underpinned by a commitment to interacting with its audiences wherever possible. Our REFRAME[D] blog will flag up each new REFRAME endeavour, and will also digest and link to related online projects, publications, news and events.
We hope that REFRAME will go on to provide an innovative, engaging and productive environment for audiovisual, audio and visual, and written digital humanities or ‘Digital-First’ research, scholarship and publishing in media, film and music, including the production, curation and online archiving of experimental work and research by practice.
Please contact us if you would like to suggest a research or publishing project for our consideration, publicise a related online initiative or website, or offer any feedback.
Catherine Grant
School of Media, Film and Music
University of Sussex
September 2012