Blog Posts

Shaping the Future of VR, AR and Computer Games in Holocaust Memory

Cover images for recommendation guidelines on virtualising Holocaust memoryscapes and using computer games and play in Holocaust mrmory and education.

2022: A Year in Review

Serious TikTok: Can You Learn About the Holocaust in 60 seconds? 

2021 – A Year in Review

Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 on Social Media

Hashtag We Remember with a candle

Digital Tools for Understanding the Holocaust: Visualisations in the EHRI Document Blog

Why (not) so serious? Anne Frank memes and digital Holocaust memory

Graph expressing typology of Anne Frank memes (explained in detail in the article)

Interactivity in Holocaust Memory

Comparing Online Commemoration Events

Holocaust Remembrance in a Digital Future: Towards Deep Truth or Deep Fake?

Algorithmic Auditing, the Holocaust and Search Engine Bias

Capturing Experiential Authenticity at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum

Student Competition: Thinking about Computer Games and the Holocaust

Image: Tablet with a wordcloud with terms related to video games: video games, developer, games, Xbox, Microsoft, Sony's, publishers, developments, studios. Links to Student Competition blog.

Holocaust Memorial Day – Distant Commemoration and Learning

Image: Holocaust Memorial logo with slogan: 'Learning from genocide for a better future'.
Links to: Holocaust Memorial Day resources

Online Holocaust Denial and Distortion

NoDenyingIt bANNER

Digital Holocaust Memory: A Year In Review


From Intermediality to Entanglement: New Methods for Studying Digital Holocaust Memory

blog header

Playing the Holocaust – Part I

Computer Games I

Reading Call of Duty: WWII as Digital Holocaust Memory

Kates blog title

Reflections on #Europeana2020

Europeana Blog Image

Finding Virtuality in Virtual Holocaust Museums

Virtual Museums header

Digital Holocaust Archives – An Online Discussion

Digital Holocaust Archives feature image

Holocaust Commemoration: Between Physical and Digital Space – An Online Discussion

Cover image

Playing Memories? Digital Games as Memory Media 

Tabea feature image

TikTok’s #Holocaust Challenge

TikTok feature image

How can we Archive Online Commemorations?

Kumu jpeg

“I’m a Holocaust survivor and…” : reflections on the USHMM ‘Next Chapter’ video series

Image 3 - Nat Shaffir smiling (header image)

Digital Holocaust Memory – Online Discussion

Title Slides copy

Researching Digital Holocaust Memory – a Reading List for Students

reading list image

Anne Frank Virtual Tour of Bergen-Belsen

Belsen Res Test 1

Statues, Memory and the Digital

Colston Res Test

Holocaust Memory during the Covid-19 Pandemic: An Online Roundtable

Round Table Res Fixed

Hunters – Amazon’s fictional Jewish Nazi-hunters

VE Day: Websites/ Physical Sites: 75 Years since the End of World War II

VE title image

Implications of Physical Distancing for Commemoration

foundation stones title image

Debunking Digital Myths

AZ Title Image

75 Years Later: Digitally Commemorating the Liberation of Bergen-Belsen

Belsen title image

What’s in a Name? An Unexpected Researchable Moment

Name title image

Holocaust Museums, Archives and Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Close title image