Beyond the Single Story: How Computer Games can Transform Holocaust Education

by Austin XieInternational Junior Research Associate, The University of Chicago Austin Xie is spending two months with us here atContinue reading “Beyond the Single Story: How Computer Games can Transform Holocaust Education”

Serious TikTok: Can You Learn About the Holocaust in 60 seconds? 

In this month’s post, Dr. Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann and Tom Divon, Hebrew University, Jerusalem explore multimodal education and commemoration of theContinue reading “Serious TikTok: Can You Learn About the Holocaust in 60 seconds? “

Digital Tools for Understanding the Holocaust: Visualisations in the EHRI Document Blog

In this month’s guest blog, Barnabas Balint reflects on the relationship between the digital and the material archive in hisContinue reading “Digital Tools for Understanding the Holocaust: Visualisations in the EHRI Document Blog”

Why (not) so serious? Anne Frank memes and digital Holocaust memory

In this month’s guest blog, Juan Manuel González Aguilar and Mykola Makhortykh offer an analysis of the different types ofContinue reading “Why (not) so serious? Anne Frank memes and digital Holocaust memory”