During 2022 and 2023, we worked with more than 110 representatives from a diverse range of academic disciplines, Holocaust institutions across the world, and wider GLAM, creative and technical professionals to co-create recommendations for digital interventions in Holocaust memory and education.
The project was structured as 6 series of co-creation, participatory workshops on the following themes:
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Digitising Material Evidence
- Social Media
- Recording, Recirculating and Remixing Testimony
- Virtual Memoryscapes
- Computer Games
We are really please to be able to share with you the final size reports developed through these series. Each report lists a number of recommendations directed towards a range of different stakeholders. Please do feel free to circulate these widely and most importantly, do get in touch via our contact form if you would like to work towards any of the recommendations. We are keen to support this work and may also be able to put you in contact with others trying to do similar work. Perhaps the most important lesson to be learnt from this project is that collaboration is key.
We are especially grateful to the number of project partners who have worked with us to co-host these workshops: The University of Bern; iRights.Lab, Germany; The Centre of Life Writing and Life History, University of Sussex; The Hebrew University; Future Memory Foundation; and the Historical Games Network.
You can download each of the full reports below. We also provide our action plan for 2023-29 focused here specifically on the recommendations we have identified as actionable by the ‘Project Leads’.
You can view our revised action plan in response to these recommendations, which demonstrates the actions already taken by the project team since the launch of the first reports in January 2023 and our future plans.
If you would like to contribute to actioning some of these recommendations, please do not hesitate to get in touch via our contact form.
This project was generously supported by funding from the Economic and Social Research Council’s Impact Acceleration Account and the School of Media, Arts and Humanities, and the in-kind support of all of the project partners (the support from the University of Bern was enable by generous funding from the Alfred Landecker Foundation). The later stages of preparing the final two reports for publication was further support by the Alfred Landecker Foundation as part of the work of the new Landecker Digital Memory Lab.