Network Coordinators

Professor Chris Berry,
King’s College London
Chris Berry has been attending both approved international film festivals in the Chinese speaking world and also independent film festivals. He is interested in the local (national, regional, city-based) characteristics and roles of these events.

Dr. Luke Robinson,
University of Sussex
Luke Robinson is lecturer in Film Studies in the Department of Media and Film, University of Sussex. He has a particular interest in the independent film festival circuit in the PRC, and the exhibition of Chinese-language film outside Asia.

Dr. Hongwei Bao,
University of Nottingham
Hongwei Bao is interested in alternative film festival practices, especially with regard to gender, sexuality, identities and social movements (such as queer film festivals and women’s film festivals), in mainland China.

Assistant Professor Jenny Chio,
Emory University
Jenny Chio is a cultural anthropologist and ethnographic filmmaker. With Luke Robinson, she is engaged in a collaborative research project exploring post-socialist public culture, archives and social memory, and film festival spaces in China (particularly at the Yunnan Multi Culture Visual Festival).

Professor Dina Iordanova,
St. Andrew’s University
Dina Iordanova has initiated and led research on various aspects of film festivals as part of her interest in film culture beyond the West, which spans to include Asia and China in particular.

Flora Lichaa,
INALCO/Paris 3
Flora Lichaa has conducted anthropological fieldwork on Chinese independent film festivals from 2009 to 2013 in the framework of a PhD research on Chinese independent documentary.

Professor Karen Lury,
University of Glasgow
Karen Lury’s research is concerned with the representation of children and more recently children’s film, particularly those films produced through national subsidies or philanthropic initiatives. Her interest in children’s films extends to their exhibition and reception through Children’s Film Festivals including those in Europe, North America, India, South Korea and China.

Professor Gina Marchetti,
University of Hong Kong
Gina Marchetti is conducting a major research project on Hong Kong women filmmakers, and their use of Chinese film festivals to promote their work.

Dr. Elena Pollacchi,
Ca’Foscari University/Venice International Film Festival
In her travels and as she thinks about this network, Elena Pollacchi asks, will the ambitious and fastrising Beijing International Film Festival define its space in the already busy calendar of major festival events and increase its competition against the more established Shanghai International Film Festival?

Dr. Ma Ran,
Osaka City University
Ma Ran is currently working on a project exploring the film festival network in relation to the emergence and transformation of public culture in Asian cities, with specific attention directed to the independently-run festivals and the related circulatory entities and networks in Mainland China.

Dr. Ming-Yeh Rawnsley,
University of Westminster/European Research Centre on Contemporary Taiwan (Tubingen)
Ming-Yeh Rawnsley is interested in the history and practice of film festivals in Taiwan, in particular the Golden Harvest Award (Jin sui jiang).

Associate Professor Julian Stringer,
University of Nottingham
Julian Stringer wrote his PhD thesis on film festivals (Indiana University, 2003) and has published widely on the topic, including a co-authored chapter (with Nikki J. Y. Lee) on Chinese cinema at international film festivals for A Companion to Chinese Cinema (WileyBlackwell, 2012).

Professor Cindy Wong,
College of Staten Island/CUNY
Cindy Wong’s wide-ranging interests in film festivals include diasporic film festivals, Chinese language cinema shown in film festivals outside Greater China, and the Hong Kong International Film Festival.

Associate Professor Esther C. M. Yau,
University of Hong Kong
Esther Yau is interested in reflecting on her experience of organizing a festival of independent filmmaker Ying Liang’s work in Hong Kong.

Su-Anne Yeo, Goldsmiths,
University of London
Su-Anne Yeo is interested in the role of themed film festivals, particularly in Hong Kong and in the diaspora, in facilitating peripheral-to-peripheral networks and producing alternative identities and social imaginaries.

Dr. Sabrina Yu,
Newcastle University
Sabrina Yu is interested in Chinese independent film festivals including their identities, the discursive space they created, the difficulties and challenges they face, and their future development. She is also interested in exploring overseas Chinese film exhibitions/festivals as an alternative venue for Chinese independent film festivals.
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