Early November Round-up

A further month since the start of the project, we have another brief round-up notice detailing updates to the Chinese Film Festival Studies website. In the past month, we’ve added the following material:

NEWS: The US magazine The Advocate published an extended piece this month on young Chinese filmmaker Fan Popo and the Beijing Queer Film Festival, which he is closely involved with running. A link to the piece is available on the website.

ARCHIVE: We have added to the archive a file with scholarship on Chinese film festivals by our Network members. However, we would like to expand this further. If you have additional references that you know of that aren’t in this list, please do contact us directly: there is a link on the website.

FESTIVAL REPORTS. Ma Ran (Nagoya), a member of the network, has written us a report on the Shanghai International Film Festival’s “digital surround”, more specifically discussion of the festival on Weibo (China’s twitter). In this report, she explores debates that emerged online around audience behaviour and the “correct” way to watch a film in the cinema. She links these to broader questions of Shanghainese identity, and to negotiations of the public/private division in the contemporary PRC.

COMING SOON: October and November are the months of the Golden Horse Film Festival (the 台北金馬影展). Menghsin Horng (UC Berkeley) will be writing us a report from Taipei on the festival. We also intend to develop a general bibliography of non-academic writing on Chinese Film festivals (for example, newspaper reports), which will be included with the academic bibliography in the Archives section of the website. Again, please contact us directly if you have suggestions on what to include here.

Thank you,

Chris Berry and Luke Robinson

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