You Sound Like a Broken Record
0September 24, 2014 by Richard Elliott

Paul Nataraj, a doctoral student at the University of Sussex, gave a fascinating paper on his research during the Musical …
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Category Research | Tags: history, listening, materiality, sound recordings, vinyl
Phonographic Voices (ii)
0June 24, 2014 by Richard Elliott

In her book In Search of the Blues, Marybeth Hamilton highlights a contradiction at the heart of writings about the …
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Category Research | Tags: agency, Alan Lomax, Blues, collecting, ethnomusicology, Folk, Folkways, Jazz, Moses Asch, phonography
‘Sound Galleries’ at the Pitt Rivers Museum
0June 22, 2014 by Richard Elliott
I’m very much looking forward to our first keynote lecture of the Musical Materialities in the Digital Age conference, which …
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Category Conference Updates | Tags: archives, conference, ethnomusicology, museums, sound recordings
Lazaretto, Pono and A Letter Home
0June 20, 2014 by Richard Elliott
A piece for The Conversation by Richard Elliott on Jack White, Neil Young and musical materiality, inspired by a number …
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Category Research | Tags: 78s, materiality, phonography, records, sound recordings
Critical Studies: the graphic legacy of Library Music sleeve design
0June 13, 2014 by Elodie A. Roy
I am happy to share with you a 2010 piece by William Skinner (a Newcastle-based librarian and music-fan) on library …
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Category Uncategorized | Tags: design, libraries, records, Research, William Skinner
Manifesto for Music Technologists
1May 21, 2014 by Richard Elliott
We call for technologies to be created with an eye for the long-term. Musical objects should last as long as …
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Category Uncategorized | Tags: industry, materiality, technology
Phonographic Voices (i)
1May 8, 2014 by Richard Elliott

As part of an ongoing study of attempts within the Anglophone critical establishment to understand, curate, evaluate and otherwise ‘master’ …
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Category Research | Tags: archives, critical reception, history, listening, otherness, phonography, records, sound recordings, vinyl archaeology