Today at Mediático we are delighted to present a first post by Isabel Seguí. Dr Seguí is a lecturer in…

Mediático is delighted to present an inaugural contribution to this website by María Vélez-Serna, Lecturer in Film in the Division of Communications,…

Mediático is delighted to be able to present an entry focused on the important work on cultural narratives of sexual…

Today at Mediático we are delighted to present an essay by Steven Marsh, Professor of Spanish Film and Cultural Studies…

Serie temática: Cine indígena de Abya Yala. Entrevista con Bashé Nuhem by Charlotte Gleghorn and Claudia Arteaga En diciembre del…

Mediático is delighted to present an entry from one of its distinguished contributing editors, Professor Catherine L. Benamou who teaches…

Today, Mediático is thrilled to present, below, the full-length version of an award-winning film it flagged up in one of its…

Today, Mediático presents an entry by regular contributor Carolyn Fornoff, Assistant Professor of Spanish at Lycoming College. She has research interests in twentieth-century Latin…