Welcome to Mediático!
Mediático is an academic blog devoted to the study of Latin American, Latino/a, and Iberian media cultures (including those of national and transnational television, film, radio, music and new media, among others). It features a diverse array of research, news and views on these cultures — of any length and in a variety of formats — by scholars from around the world.
To celebrate Mediático’s launch day we are especially honoured to publish an essay on Spanish television dramas by Mediático contributing editor Paul Julian Smith, Distinguished Professor, PhD Program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Languages and Literatures at the Graduate Center, City University of New York.
Further original items have been produced by Mediático founding co-editors Dolores Tierney, on Cuban digital filmmaking, and by Catherine Grant on transnational Latin American film authorship.
For ease of access, we have assembled an alphabetically-ordered list of links, below, to all the content you can read at Mediático to date.
From now on, we hope to post at least weekly updates. You can follow us by email (see the right hand sidebar to subscribe), at Twitter (@MediaticoMFM), or at our Facebook page. If you’d like to contribute please take a look at our invitation to do just that!
Becoming ‘Arturo Ripstein’ ? On Authorship and El lugar sin límites
- Mediático co-editor Catherine Grant’s essay sets out a detailed case study of Mexican director Arturo Ripstein’s film adaptation of Chilean writer José Donoso’s 1966 short novel El lugar sin límites (‘The Place without Limits’, aka ‘Hell Has No Limits’), which featured a significant, though uncredited, screenwriting contribution from the exiled Argentine author Manuel Puig.
Call for Papers: Media & Governance in Latin America
- A call for papers for a conference on Media & Governance in Latin America: Exploring the role of communication for development to be held at the University of Sheffield, 13-14 May 2014.
Digital Realisms: Eduardo del Llano’s Ten Short Films
- Mediático co-editor Dolores Tierney offers us a few tentative thoughts about Cuban filmmaker Eduardo del Llano’s Decalogue, ten short films about contemporary cultural life in Cuba.
Fishy Little Curio, A: Lucrecia Martel’s Pescados (2010), with subtitles in English
- A short film by Argentinian filmmaker Lucrecia Martel
Future Journalism Project: Latin American Edition
- A short profile of the Latin American Edition of the Future Journalism Project, part of a multiplatform initiative exploring the present state, current disruption and future possibilities of media and journalism throughout the world.
Letter from Madrid: Bienvenidos al Lolita and El tiempo entre costuras
- Mediático contributing editor Paul Julian Smith, Distinguished Professor, PhD Program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Languages and Literatures at the Graduate Center, City University of New York, shares his views on two Spanish television dramas.
- A link to a special issue of Chilean journal Papel máquina devoted to Brazilian essayist, novelist, critic, short story writer and poet Silvano Santiago.
- Mediático co-editor Juan Ramos shares a list of his telenovela reviews. Written in Spanish, these review cover telenovelas from all over Latin America (including Brazil) and the United States.
Two New Films on Historical Memory Following the Dictatorships in Chile and Argentina
- Two trailers for important new documentaries by British filmmakers which treat the enduring effects of dictatorships in Chile and Argentina, and issues of exile, national identity, truth and reconciliation.
Video Essays on the Films of Luis Buñuel
- Four freely available online videos which treat aspects of films directed by the Spanish/Mexican filmmaker Luis Buñuel.
We hope you enjoy Mediático and continue to visit us regularly for more!
Mediático is published by the School of Media, Film and Music at the University of Sussex through REFRAME.