Tom Ainsworth is a researcher, lecturer, designer and maker who is currently working as a Research Officer in the Faculty…

Nanette Hoogslag (1964,The Netherlands) is conducting a PhD research in practice at the Royal College of Art in London (AHRC…

This workshop will look at the present day usage and reading of images in the online publishing context. Authors of…

Rachel Tavernor is a co-editor of RE.FRAMING ACTIVISM and a doctoral student in Media and Cultural Studies in the School…

Russell Pearce (co-editor/producer of Sequence) teaches Media Studies at the School of Media, Film and Music at the University of…

Catherine Grant (founder, and co-editor/producer, with Russell Pearce, of SEQUENCE, is a part-time Senior Lecturer in Film Studies in the School of…

This workshop session will explore some of the conceptual and, especially, the practical issues involved in the creation, publication and…