PANEL_Screen Culture+ Authentic Experience_May 10, 2013
Since 1970s, the relationship between media and human reactions has been a leading research topic among media psychologists. This interest has resulted with the development of psychophysiological measures such as the amplitude of the pulse volume or the heart rate as indicators of emotional aspects of media reception (Sturm & Vitouch, 1982). Researches indicated that, the emotions that develop during media reception do not differ fundamentally from everyday situations not influenced by media (Scherer, 1998). Even though what human see on screens is untouchable, virtual and mostly fictional, the influence that it has on audience is real. The audience assign meanings to what is presented on screen in order to appraise the media content. Accordingly, media can be seen as a facilitator to awake and even manipulate human feelings that are originated from people’s judgemental thoughts and experiences.
Moving from this point, in our talk, we will be questioning the authenticity of screen images concerning human reactions who are exposed to different types of media particularly on screen. The audience’s experience will be analysed considering how they interact with changing contents.
The panel will address questions on how the digital screen impact on the senses and therefore emotions? How do the visual experiences of war in the new media offer a quasi-authentic experience to the audience enabling them to pull the triggers in extraterritorialities? How does the representation of ‘authentic’ experiences changes the role of the audience/user?
Evren Eken_Daniel Alexander Hignell_ Aysenur Karabulut_
Chaired by_Cécile Chevalier