PANEL_Listening to the Body_ from spectacle to experience_ new strategies for bio-sensors in performance today_May 10, 2013
There is a renaissance of interest in the use of bio-sensing technologies in performances and art works. This panel will discuss whether the use of interfaces that output data from brainwaves, heart rate, Galvanic Skin Response, and muscle activity within art and performance contexts is presenting the human body with an emphasis from the bio-sensor experiments of the 90s. Rather than use these technologies to create bombastic spectacles of the body transformed through technology, we will explore contemporary performance that attempts to articulate the hidden signals of the body to the surface. Through discussing projects created by panel members we will explore how bio tools can provide new tools for articulating interoceptive presence to the audience member directly and how these tools provide new strategies of communicating interoceptive subjectivity.
This panel will bring together speakers who are both practicing artists and researchers in this field to explore this emerging landscape and to explore questions that arise out of working with these technologies such as; how might Open-sourcing bio sensor technologies have its part to play in the creation of this new means of communication?
How as practitioners do we assess the efficacy of the tools we are using, both in development and through feedback after performances? How do we find the line between garnering information about interior states from technology and our own senses in order to create coherent performance experiences that can subtly explore bodily impulses? What role has interoceptive subjectivity in defining how authentic our mediated experiences are?
// Speakers_
Dr Camille Baker_Dr Gascia Ouzounian_
Chaired by Kate Genevieve [tbc]_