GQC News #3
Happy National Coming Out Day everyone and welcome to our latest news round-up.
Thanks to those of you who have already emailed in response to Karl’s questions about a new wave of queer cinema. We will be publishing responses shortly. Please continue to join in the debate.
There has been much activism in the international news this week. Our image above is of Jon Gnarr, Reykjavik’s self-styled ‘gayor’, coming out in solidarity with Pussy Riot during Pride. This week sees one member of Pussy Riot, Yekaterina Samutsevich getting a surprise release. She, alongside global activists and allies, plan to continue the campaign to release all band members. In Serbia, in spite of heavy police attack, an indoor Pride event was held, and a sit down protest on the street. An interesting article on the event has been written here. In more positive international news, South Africa has registered a flag which formally represents the LGBTIA community.
There is a call for papers over at Networking Knowledge for articles on the topic of (Im)Personal Desires: Pornography, Sexuality and Social Networks of Desire, with topics including the social and/or sexual use of networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Grindr, gaydar, gaydargirls etc. and sexual identities as either marginalised and/or commodified online. The deadline is October 19th for proposals.
Kerstin Karlhuber’s new film project aims to interrogate so called ‘reparation therapy’ by Christian groups in the USA. Her film, Camp Revelation, asks what happens when Hollywood stereotypes about gender, race and sexuality take their most extreme form, in asking actors to not only deny, but to erase their sexuality. There is a kickstarter you can donate to, to support her grassroots LGBT filmmaking here.
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