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Victrola Favorites. Compiled by R. Millis and J. Taylor. CD/book. Dust-to-Digital, DTD-11 (2008).


Desperate Man Blues. Dir. E. Gillan (2003).

Last Shop Standing. Dir. P. Piper (2012).

Modulations: Cinema for the Ear. Dir. I. Lee (1998).

Moog. Dir. H. Fjellestad (2004).

Sound it Out. Dir. J. Finlay (2011).

Vinylmania: When Life Runs at 33 Revolutions Per Minute. Dir. P. Campana (2012).



Dead Media
The Dead Media Project:
Media & Materiality Project

Early Sound Recordings
Antique Phonograph Radio Program
First Sounds

Ethnographic Sound Recordings
Reel to Real

Cassette Culture/Home Recording
Great Bear
The Living Archive of Underground Music
Taped Rugs
Lo Finest

Reissues and Archives
Companion Records
The Vinyl Factory
Open Music Archive
Bristol Archive Records
Reel to Real: Sound at the Pitt Rivers Museum
British Library Sound Archive

Christian Marclay
Music for Objects
Les Structures Sonores
Ian Helliwell

Fanzines and ephemera
Manchester District Music Archive
La Fanzinothèque
North-American and Canadian rave archive

Kevin Pearce
The Wonderful and the Obscure


  1. debi says:

    Can I also point you to the Great Bear Analogue & Digital Media tape blog I write for – lots of things which are of relevance to your very interesting research project !

    • Richard Elliott says:

      Great, thanks for the link, which I’ll add to the list of resources still to post up here.

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