CALL FOR PAPERS: Media & Governance in Latin America
Mediático alerts its readers to a call for papers for a conference on Media & Governance in Latin America: Exploring the role of communication for development to be held at the University of Sheffield, 13–14 May 2014. Full details are linked to here. A summary is given below.
Call for papers
In 21st-century Latin America, information and participation asymmetries are being challenged by new technologies, the reinvigoration of civil society and changing media policies. Questions are arising about the relationships between media and communication and the region’s democratic governance.
This conference aims to explore the connections between communication, citizenship, governance and development in Latin America in an interdisciplinary effort. The event brings together academics, practitioners and researchers from social sciences and humanities, to consider the following questions:
- How is the relation between state, civil society and the media reshaped in Latin American democracies?
- How are citizens’ voices being incorporated in public deliberations?
- What is the role of the media in promoting democratic governance and sustainable development?
- Do political communication practices adapt to democratic ideals of transparency and accountability?
- To what extent do community and new media challenge hegemonic information flows in the region?
We may give priority to papers dealing with the intersection between media, communication and civil society with the region’s development. However, we welcome high-quality submissions dealing with other aspects of media and governance in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Individual papers will account for 30 minutes: 20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers. Please email an abstract of 250 to 300 words, in Microsoft Word format, to Sara García, sgarciasantamaria1@sheffield.ac.uk, before 3 February 2014, with the subject “Conference Media and Governance”.