NW/THN symposium & workshops_June 24_ registration open!
NW/THN: Documenting, Publishing, Disseminating Objects & Experiences is a one-day symposium and workshops, June 24, 2013 that invites practice-based/led research students, faculty, working practitioners & professional creative organisations to discuss, exchange and engage with documenting, publishing, disseminating objects and experiences.
Keynote speakers: Frédéric Bevilacqua (Head of the Real Time Musical Interactions team at IRCAM) & Semiconductor (artists)
This collaborative principle is reflected in the involvement of the Creative Critical Practice Research Group (CCPRG), the Documenting, Publishing & Disseminating (DPD) platform REFRAME and doctoral students from the University of Sussex, Royal College of Art, University of Brighton and University of West London.
Participants include (in alphabetical order): Tom Ainsworth (University of Brighton), Cécile Chevalier (University of Sussex),
Dr Kieran Fenby-Hulse (University of Brighton), Dr Catherine Grant (REFRAME), Ian Grant (University of West London), Nanette Hoogslag (Royal College of Art), Paul McConnell_ (University of Sussex), Micheál O’Connell AKA Mocksim (University of Sussex), Russell Pearce (University of Sussex), Rachel Tavernor (University of Sussex), Kirk Woolford (University of Sussex).
As processes and materials generated by practice-based/led research cannot be directly published in the way traditional Arts and Humanities scholarship is, CCPRG identifies the need for a one-day symposium set in an interactive and creative environment which will offer training and critical insight on how practice can be represented in DPD.
Considering both digital and pre-digital modes of dissemination, NW/THN aims to look to interrogate two key questions: what do we lose or gain when we document and publish digitally? Are modes of DPD determined by targeted audience or/and nature of output? Because these questions have a resonance outside of academia, we propose a collaborative, multi and crossdisciplinary discussion about applied approaches.
NW/THN: Documenting, Publishing, Disseminating Objects & Experiences symposium is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and supported by the Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts, University of Sussex.
Place are free but limited, to register select >> Registration
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