Workshop_What You See and What You Get_Image Creation+Usage in the Online Context
This workshop will look at the present day usage and reading of images in the online publishing context.
Authors of editorial content are more and more asked to upload and publish their own material, which includes images. Image usage is growing and it’s quality and position has a strong influence on the way we read a text. Yet image creation and art direction is no longer the exclusive domain of design professionals. At little or no cost, digital images can be created instantly, uploaded, ‘found’ or bought online and disseminated. But how do they actually function? What kind of qualities do they add to the story and how does the reader experience them?
Part practical, part through critical discussions and insight, in this workshop participants will address and discuss the role of the image with the particular focus on the conditions of online publication. We will look at its function and relationship to its contexts and above all we will look closer at audience perception and current forms of image experience. Further there will be practical information around copyright and ownership and exploration of design and creation considerations. In other words within (your own) publication, how can you optimize the role of the image?
Led by_Nanette Hoogslag