Workshop_Producing, Publishing + Disseminating New Media Objects + Experiences
This workshop session will explore some of the conceptual and, especially, the practical issues involved in the creation, publication and dissemination of ‘new media objects and experiences’, specifically in relation to multimedia and multimodal epublishing technologies and platforms.
The practical basis for the workshop will be the workshop leaders’ experience of working on projects for REFRAME, an open access academic digital platform run by faculty and research students of the School of Media, Film and Music, University of Sussex, for the online practice, publication and curation of internationally produced research and scholarship in media, film and music. REFRAME aims to offer a range of scholarly and related creative and critical content – from relatively ephemeral or responsive forms of research output (project blogs, online film and video festivals, conferences and symposia, and audio and video podcasts) through to fully peer-reviewed online serials and monographic publications, and digital archives, installations, and assemblages.
The workshop will address changing perceptions and realities around the role of publishing in the academy.
Areas and skills covered can include:
• Multimodal, multimedia and cross-platform publishing and dissemination
• Digital documentation as web content creation
• DPD in the era of Responsive Web Design
• Producing, publishing and disseminating enriched eBooks
• Using WordPress, and other free and/or open source digital tools
• Spreadability, shareability and engaging with audiences