Queer Cinema and the Spaces of Europe – A talk by Rosalind Galt and Karl Schoonover
On Wednesday, October 5th, 2016, Rosalind Galt and Karl Schoonover (the founders of the Global Queer Cinema website and research project) will give a presentation on their work in the Autumn Research Seminar Series of the School of Media, Film and Music, University of Sussex (4-6pm in Jubilee Building 117/8).
The title and abstract of their talk are as follows:
Queer Cinema and the Spaces of Europe
Queer cinema creates worlds, intervening in existing debates on the national, transnational and global as well as envisioning new modes of being in the world. This talk will focus on how contemporary queer films imagine Europe, and how dissident gender and sexual identities intersect with persistent questions of European politics, spaces, and identities. We will analyse border-crossing films, considering how tropes of immigration and mobility articulate sexuality with race, nationality, and marginality within and outside the EU. Looking at representations of the Muslim queer, we ask how this cinematic figure responds both to liberal visions of Europe and to a broader global politics of borders, Islamophobia, and the war on terror. We also explore the transnational within Europe, considering how popular genre films intersect the politics of LGBT tolerance with issues of national identity, political violence, and human rights.
December 2016 will see the launch of Schoonover and Galt’s keenly anticipated co-authored book Queer Cinema in the World, published by Duke University Press.

Further details at the Duke UP website.
Karl Schoonover is Associate Professor and Reader in Film and Television Studies at the University of Warwick and the author of Brutal Vision: The Neorealist Body in Postwar Italian Cinema.
Rosalind Galt is Professor of Film Studies at King’s College London and the author of Pretty: Film and the Decorative Image.
[This entry’s main featured image is from Unveiled (Angelina Maccarone, Germany 2005).]