Queer Imaginaries, Lesbian Cinematic Spaces and a Call for Essays
It’s been a very busy few months for GQC, as we’ve had events at the London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival and here at Sussex. Last month saw our GQC network event which brought together international scholars, to discuss queer cinema and the aesthetics of the global. We are very grateful to all of the scholars who made the event such a success: Samar Habib, Juan Suarez, John David Rhodes, Deborah Shaw, Hoang Van Nguyen, Rohit Dasgupta and Cuneyt Cakirlar, and special thanks to B Ruby Rich who missed her own book launch to attend. The conversations were very exciting, and we will be showcasing some of that material shortly.
We have more events in May – at the end of the month, GQC will be going to the Sexuality Summer School at Manchester University in association with the Cornerhouse to give a talk on 23 May 2013 as part of the Queer Imaginaries public event.
We will be kicking off a series of posts on lesbian cinematic spaces to tie in with the Impossibly Queer International Feminisms conference, which is happening at Sussex University next weekend – 17 – 19 May 2013. GQC will be represented by a panel at the conference, chaired by Rosalind Galt, with Laura Joyce and guest speakers Rebecca Harper and Hongwei Bao. Following on from the panel, the series will begin here on our website with a closer look at Memento Mori, a South Korean ghost story with a queer twist.
If you are interested in contributing posts to the lesbian cinematic spaces series, or any of our other series, or have original material you wish us to consider for publication, please read our guidelines here.
We look forward to meeting those of you who are attending our upcoming events this May, and many thanks to all of you who have supported the project so far.