This week, Mediático presents an obituary to María Elena Velasco, one of the Mexican film industry’s leading figures, written by Seraina Rohrer director…

This week Mediático presents excerpts from the diary of José Arroyo, Principal Teaching Fellow in Film Studies at the University…

Today, Mediático presents Stefanie Allum‘s report of the latest awards ceremony for the Catalan Film Academy—the Premis Gaudí. Allum’s report on…

Following this weekend’s Academy Awards ceremony, Mediático co-editor Dolores Tierney assesses one of the biggest winners: Alejandro G. Iñárritu’s Birdman or (The Unexpected…

Today, Mediático presents a tribute to Ninón Sevilla, the Cuban-born actor who died on January 1 2015 at the age of…

This week, Mediatico surveys the latest Cinema Journal 54.1 InFocus dossier on “Latin American Film Research in the 21st Century” edited by Ana…

This week Mediático is delighted to present a post by Juan Llamas Rodriguez, Graduate Student at the University of California…

Mediatico presents an entry by Dolores Tierney, one of the founding editors of this blog, on the connection between Latin…

Mediático is delighted to present below an essay on Latina star of the 1940s Maria Montez, and Warhol superstar and drag pioneer…